
Endless space 2 terraforming
Endless space 2 terraforming

In the transformation process u burn/cold/add/removes/with pressure etc. Scientific Explanation: A gas planet exists of different gas types. Or a 100% science gas planet to a 50%science/50%production gas planet. Or a 100% dust gas planet to a 50%dust/50%influence gas planet. Allowing to make a 100% production gas planet to a 50% production/50% dust gas planet. There is a transformation process, that has to be researched in the tech tree. Maybe there should be a possibility to terraform from fertile to sterile (riftborn: sterile to fertile), that should be quiet expensive and in last Era, but possible for special systems (maybe 20k production costs + strategic ressources).Īnd here my new idea for Gas planet transformations: For Example u have a production gas planet. Yes i think no terraforming for Gas planets is realistic and good gameplay. It should be a good feeling for gameplay, if u are lucky and found this planet (otherwise its good for the difficulty of the achivment to colonise every planet type). Your suggested tree is more realistic, but i like the idea too, that there is 1 or 2 planet types, that cant be terraformed (like ocean).

endless space 2 terraforming

I think the developers want to have a terraforming tree, that has positive effects on gameplay as well be realistic. I write this terraforming tree on paper weeks ago too :D It seems we have the same one, i dont see any mistakes.

Endless space 2 terraforming